Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fujifilm Confirmation of Entry

This is an email that i got when i sent off my entries.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Book Cover Final Images.

These are the best of my photos, I have chosen them as my final images.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

One Minute Sculpture.

For the one minute sculpture we had to find spaces in town and fit us in them to make a human sculpture and hold it for one minute.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010



These were took in the studio but with a digital camera, so i would have to change the camera over to a film camera for this assignment. The idea was to take the photo so that it fits around the words, which i think i have achieved.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Second lot of Photographs - Contact Sheet

These are the best of my second photo shoot, they were taken in my bedroom, because in the extracts it mentions a bed so i adapted it around that. 

New Ideas For Book Cover.

The extracts that i have from the book confused me at first, they sound like different books. I then broke them down into sentences and words to see if I could find anything that would give me an idea for the cover. These are some parts of the extracts I picked out, that i could work on.
- bread
- my eyes and face assuming a vacant and preoccupied expression
- a good book
- sat in his hut
- nature
- writing table
- snuff box
- tooth in the corner of my jaw with a lump of crust
- prongs of his fork
- chewing
- i work in my bedroom
- propped by pillows in his bed in the white light of a incandescent petrol lamp
- pimples in his forehead
- pencil moved slowly across the ruled paper
- heavy smoker
- red swan hotel
- leap have i leaped from hill to hill
- hag
- leap
- skylight of the hostel
- a tall ivy-branch
- trees and the stags
- leafy-oak, clumpy-leaved
- the nut-smell of hazels
- faun, little long legs
- life looks black as the hour of night
- a pint of plain
- horse has also ran
- health is bad, ace is pale
- food is scarce, hunger grows
- you still can turn to a brighter life

I have had another idea for this book cover as my last ones were not that great. It is based on the author FlannO'Brien who seems to drink and sleep a lot. My idea came from the extracts: 'i work in my bedroom' and 'propped by pillows in his bed in the white light of a incandescent petrol lamp'. My idea is to take some photos in a bedroom with the bed in the bottom right corner so that there is a plain wall where the text can go, so it is easily seen. On the bed I will place a book and a pen on the pillow and some bottle of alcohol maybe in the bed with the covers slightly hiding it like it is kept there or I might place it propped up against the pillow so it is more visible. Also I thought I could have someone lying in the bed asleep clutching the bottle and the book slipping away. I will try both of these ideas and take lots of photos from different angles to see the which looks the best. For my lighting I will use the big light and also take the same shots with just a lamp to see the atmosphere, as well i could place the lamp in different places to see what looked visually the best.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

First Photographs

These are a few photographs that I first took with a film camera to get an idea of what would work as a book cover. The two duck photos would probably work best as they have blocks of colour and the text would be more readable. The other photos are too busy for a book cover and the text wouldn't stand out as well.

I have placed the book cover template over my original photographs to see what works.

Out of these six covers i could use, I think number 3 makes the title standout the best, but i really like number 1. A problem i have come across is that the grey text is much harder to see on the photographs than the white text, so with my final cover i will have to make sure i pick a background that you can see both well on.