Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Research: Jonathan Knowles

Jonathan photographs a lot of ordinary items with a patterned background, although i have chosen for this still life assignment to research these two images of flowers. The rose looks like it has been sprayed with a fine nozzled water spray bottle to make all the tiny dropplets on the rose, to make it look like it has been rained on.It has then has been cut out and placed on a pink background. This is a digital, colour photograph. It has been manipulated by making the colours stronger and by changing them slightly because the outside is yellow and the middle is pink, also the dropplets have a bright blue edge to them. This image is very bold and i think it has a strong composition because the rose stands out, but also the middle of the rose is a pink similar to the background which brings it together. The second image is of quite a different style than the rose because this one looks computer generated, and it also has a black background. This flower looks like it has been taken from above with some sort of lighting from below, this makes the flower and the butterfly look luminous and have a 'glow in the dark' quality. I like what looks like the butterfly's path of white wisps of air circling the flower. The butterfly looks as if it is flying away from the flower as if it has flew around a few times and has gotten bored so decided to move on. This photograph definitely has a strong composition with the lime green and bright blue standing out from the black screen. I am definitely inspired by Jonathan's photographsand i really like them all for their colours and simplicity. They make me want to think of ideas like his and go out and take photos using ordinary objects.

1 comment:

  1. His work is interesting to the eye and stands out with the bright colours on the black background
