Wednesday, November 25, 2009



These are a few sketches of some ideas I have come up with for the book cover
1. I would create this photo by ripping out pages from a book and scattering them around under
a lamp post, when it is dark and then take it rom a distance to get the whole lamp post in.
2. This photo would be a hill with some trees and bushes without leaves on the top with a lot of sky.
3. This is two ducks on a canal with a grassy bank behind them.
4. For this photo i would open a book, switch of the lights and use a lamp to illuminate the pages and i would like it to be black in the background.

Research - Previous Winners.

These are from last years competition, which I have looked at to give me ideas on how to present my photographs to fit with the text, because that is one of the main things we have to think about when composing the photo.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


This assignment is for the Fujifilm Student Awards, we are to design a
 new cover for the book 'At Swim-Two-Birds' by Flann O'Brien. It must be taken on film and must fit the new Modern Classics jacket layout. 

Tree - it would...

For this image we got into groups of four and looked up at the sky and imagined something falling, we then wrote that down. On another piece of paper we wrote down three consequences of that object hitting the ground. Then we passed one piece of paper to the left and one to the right.
My papers said:
It would bounce, it would hit me, it would fly away.

I picked 'it would fly away' I first went out and found some trees, this one was in M&S. Then Sian drew some wings for me so i cut them out and took a picture of them, and on photoshop I put the two images together on a black page and added the text I got.


For this assignment we had to find a chair and then take it with us around burton and ask people to sit on our chair so we could take a photograph. This was to help us build our confidence with asking people if we can take their picture.


For this assignment we had to take a series of photographs that when put together made a movie, like stop motion. We then edited it all on imovie.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


In this assignment I was inspired by Richard Billingham's photographs of family because I liked his shots of everyday activities and I also like that they are not looking at the camera, acting like it is not there. This is what i tried to achieve with my images, taking them when they are not looking, so they are natural poses. If I could improve this project i would take more photographs of my family doing different things at other times of the day.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Final Image.


I have picked some of the best of my family photographs and changed the levels, contrast, brightness and saturation, I have also cropped a couple of them.
I will pick my favourite photograph and also ask other people which they think is the better one, this will then be my final image.

More Family Photographs.

This is my second attempt of taking family photos, I have used the flash to hopefully make the outcome better and a shorter exposure for less blurriness. 

Photographs of Family

These are a few of my first photos of my family. My idea is to take snapshots of my family so that they are not looking, are not posed and look natural. Next I will take more photographs of different things that happen in my house.

With these photos I edited them by changing the levels, making them brighter and more contrasted, I also cropped them a little.

I am not happy with these photos because they are speckled because there is not enough light so when I take my next photos I will use the flash in low or artificial light. Also some are a little blurry where people have moved because I didn't have a short enough exposure, so I will do that next.