Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Research: Richard Billingham

Richard Billingham has photographed this family in their everyday lives doing ordinary things that they do on a daily basis. The series of photographs he has taken are a documentary insight into this private family life. They are taken on film and in colour, they are not manipulated in anyway. I think they are very interesting and intruding photographs which would have to be taken on a quick shutter speed and also with a small depth of field. This is the style I would like to use for my ‘family’ assignment, taking quick snapshots of everyday life in my home. I would like to take natural photos like where people are moving and talking so I can capture their actions and moods. I like that these images are not posed and are natural. I think they have strong composition because they are quite close to the subject and they are the main view point. With the first image the eye focuses on the standing woman first who is the main subject and then your eye travels to the cup of tea and to the old man whose tea it is. With the second images there is less to look at because they are closer to the subject but the background and what they wear show the era of when the photograph was taken. I am inspired by Richard Billingham’s photographs because they look natural and they are of normal everyday happenings.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Final Images

I have chosen two final images for my Signs of Life assignment. They are both of flowers from a front view, I decided to pick these because they are like the images I chose to research by Jonathan Knowles. I like this first image because of its delicacy.

Edited Images

These are my edited images and the originals. I have used tools such as changing the levels, contrast, brightness, vibrance and saturation to create these looks.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Signs of Life Original Photographs

These are a selected few of the photographs i took on my signs of life photo shoot. Now I will edit these photos in Photoshop but i do not wish to make them look too abstract as I want them to look natural.


For this signs of life assignment i have decided to take close ups of flowers, to show the detail, delicacy and strong colour of them. I will then download them on to a computer and edit them in Photoshop by changing the colours to make them stronger/ weeker or more bright and edit the contrast. I do not wish to make them look too abstract because i want to keep the colours similar and make the flowers look natural.